All You Need To Know About The Course OF RCG In Sydney

1698 views 12:12 pm 0 Comments September 23, 2022
RCG in Sydney

The RCG in Sydney course is a compulsory 6-hour course that all gaming venue staff must complete. The aim of the course is to provide staff with the skills and knowledge to assist them in providing responsible gambling services. The course covers a range of topics, including:

  • The social and personal impact of gambling
  • The role of gaming venue staff in responsible gambling
  • Methods for promoting responsible gambling
  • Procedures for assisting problem gamblers

In this article, we let you know everything you need to know about this course.

How Long Does the Rcg Course Take to Complete?

The RCG course takes about 6 hours to complete and is made up of 5 modules: Introduction, Responsible Service of Gaming, Problem Gambling and Prevention, Identification and Referral, and Responsible Gaming Policy. Each module includes a short video presentation followed by interactive questions that help you assess your knowledge of different aspects of RCG. You can take as long as you like to complete each module as well as review your answers at any time before submitting them for marking (which can be done within 30 days).

RCG in Sydney

Am I Required to Complete the Course?

Yes! All gaming venue staff are required to complete this course before they can be employed at a licensed venue in Australia. If you are found working without completing the RCG course, you may face disciplinary action by your employer.

What Are the Benefits of Completing the Course?

Just like the importance of the course first aid in Melbourne, the RCG course also provide so many benefits. RCG course will provide you with an understanding of problem gambling and how it affects individuals, families, communities and society at large. You will also learn about strategies that can be used to help people who have problems with gambling and how you can encourage responsible gambling practices within your workplace environment. In addition, your awareness levels will be increased so that you are better able to identify problem gamblers and take steps toward helping them before their situation gets out of hand. Lastly, you will learn about responsible advertising practices, which will enable you to recognise when ads may be encouraging people to gamble excessively or inappropriately.

Are There Any Exemptions?

There are no exemptions from completing the RCG in Sydney course unless you have received an exemption from your employer or your employer has notified us that you do not need to undertake this training for some other reason (for example, because they believe that there is no risk of you encountering customers.

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